365. Calming the Nervous System: How to Find Your Success Frequency


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Luscious Hustle


Your human design holds the unique genetic code for calming your central nervous system and embodying your highest frequency.  By diving deeper into our own chart and looking at your ideal HD environment, we can get a better idea of how you can support your body to drop into conscious calm. Each aspect of human design holds a new layer of knowledge to support your healing. In this episode, Betsy and Laura give insight on how to lead yourself through healing and transformation physically in your body and mind to support your highest alignment:  Deepening your alignment to the next level. Human Design to support your central nervous system. The vagus nerve, anxiety, and the mind-body connection. Mantras, affirmations, crystals….trying bypassing the brain. Rewiring your brain and body for abundant vibrational frequency. Big Trauma versus little trauma. The importance of HD environment in your alignment. Laura’s environment, Betsy’s environment.   PODCAST RESOURCES Star Strategy Session - Understanding your Human Design is the key to you understanding HOW you are meant to show up in this world, how your energy flows within, and the strategies that WILL work best for your alignment and desired success.   Book a Star Strategy Session with Laura here.     The Personal Playground - Next level HD private coaching for the woman desiring to align with her feminine energy, expand her personal power, and calibrate to realizing her biggest dreams. Book your private 6 week HD journey HERE.      Private Coaching  - You're a visionary and a leader who's ready to play bigger and expand your wealth with effortless growth and momentum! Our 1:1 coaching is a personalized and high-touch experience giving you road-tested solutions and the support you desire to attract more clients & grow in pure alignment.  DM us @luscious.hustle for more information.      Luscious Hustle on Instagram We’re so honored that you’re tuning into this luscious conversation and would be so grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave us a 5-star review in iTunes or on your podcast app.  WE ARE SO GRATEFUL YOU ARE HERE WITH US.