4 simple ways to overpower the Instagram algorithm


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Young Boss Podcast


Wait...did someone say “algorithm?” An algorithm is a set of rules or a process that controls how something works. Many users do not realize what’s been happening beneath the surface...but some refer to it as “THE INSTAGRAM ALGORITHM.” A lot of people hate it and some love it, but those who love it are most likely already famous and trending. How do you know if it affects you? Well, maybe you’ve noticed that you’ve been missing a large percentage of engagement or even missing certain photos on your timeline? If so, the myth is real, and it does affect you!Instagram has become a place of discovery for numerous individuals, as users have created niches in which they have been able to see just how popular they are through overall engagement. Others see the platform as a way to de-stress, but most importantly express themselves however they see "There’s the celebrities, the travelers, the “hype-beasts,” the influencers, the foodies, the animal lovers and many more that I could write about...but regardless of the niche, the algorithm has sparked a lot of anger and frustration with most of these users.Unfortunately with the new algorithm, there is not a skip button you can press to get the old Instagram platform back. Now more than ever, there’s no way to predict a shift, or know when to expect one regardless of the actions being taken on your profile. Some users notice the variations throughout the day with di!erent posts, timelines, and activities. With the new algorithm, there’s a statistical difference between personal profiles and business accounts and now creators as well. Business account users are confused by the low amount of publicity their posts now receive, the delayed growth over time, as well as other additional challenges.We only know that the changes have yet to happen based on Instagram plans to recently change the look on profiles … once again!! AND all the myth about Instagram hiding likes and influencers being able to tag products on their posts.If you are a small brand, an influencer, or even a daily user, here are the ways you can overpower the Instagram algorithm: 1. The best thing a user can do is play by the rules of the game and then work their way around them. Only 10% of your followers actually see the content you post...so beat it up with engagement! This varies from likes, comments, saves, stories, and any type of interaction. If that 10% interacts with your posts, Instagram sees it as quality content, and may decide other people should see it too.. Potentially landing you on the explore page. With the newest update! Hashtag engagement is back and better! 2. Stay active and consistent. If you do not have enough content to contribute when posting... Create Insta-stories instead as a supplement. These can be fun and practical. On your story, you can update your daily life, put a throwback, write about what’s been happening in the world, conduct polls or even inspire others with simple quotes! You can also interact with IGTV which allows you to create and post long videos on the platform! 3. Be active with other users! Instagram rewards you if you like and comment on other user’s posts. Also, reply to the comments on your posts. There is no need for conversation because even replying with a heart emoji counts! Remember, do not overdue anything on Instagram because YOU WILL GET SHADOW-BANNED! 4. Lastly, use your insights. Find out when your followers are mainly active by days,hours and how they prefer to interact with your posts. Whether this is with the caption, or even telling them you have a new post up, through your stories.These techniques may be seen as obvious or absurd, but a little extra attention for about 30 minutes a week doing these tips can improve the quality of your account by a lot, organically.