43 The Grand Splitting and Humanity’s coming Choice Point with Niamh Cronin


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Ep 43: The Grand Splitting and Humanity’s Coming Choice Point with Niamh Cronin “You cannot teach someone who they already are, yet you can create a space for them to remember.” - Niamh Cronin   What if the real you is waiting to be remembered and unlocked from the programming of an ever increasing artificial world?   What if it was as simple as creating a space to remember to unlock your body’s innate intelligence and original human blueprint.   Niamh Cronin is a modern mystic, an international speaker, storyteller, facilitator and founder of ORI-GEN. She travels the world facilitating her work through workshops, events, retreats and online training. Her unique approach consists of utilising modern day transformational tools and ancient teachings and using the arts as a means of translation. Niamh provides a “space to remember” where you can embark on a self paced inner experiential journey into your body's natural intelligence and wisdom, to reconnect you to who you really are!   Join us as we connect with Niahm directly from Ireland for an inspirational, mind expanding as well as fun and lighthearted chat! In this chat be prepared to be mind blown!!!   Topics and Conversational Points:   Niamhs New Zealand connection Beginning of Niamh’s journey of realisations and grand mothers pivotal influence Growing up with curiosity and emotional challenges Sickness as a catalyst for a spontaneous awakening in 2014 Clairsentience, corporate life in Sydney and connection to body, emotions and a greater intelligence The unknown space and trusting the process and gentle nudges Suppressing the feminine True natural awakening happens at the focal point of compression Pressure as a naturally evolutionary force and translating our experience Coming back into our bodies and accessing a greater language and dimensions ORI-GEN explained, remembrance, ancient wisdom, bodies memory, storytelling activation, genetic blueprint & potential  The inner quest of discovering who you really are Synthesising & integrating our original blueprint Emotional intelligence and accessing the true nature of who we are Art as a medium  and moving into a nonlinear state & zero point Mythology and storytelling and dreaming with nature Ancient and indigenous culture and teachings  The model of reality and incarnational remembrance and non linear time The body as the intersection between heaven and earth Time and accessing other aspects of self through our bodies Dreamtime and indigenous Australian people, wounds and memory Planetary, cosmic and universal expressions of life Asking the body's innate intelligence to reveal trauma George Kavassilas and the universal journey Going fully into the wound and chaos as seen on a planetary level Avoidance, distraction and numbing Technological influence and remembering to turn inward Genetic choice point happening now Mind programming, the system and unlearning Contemplation and how we are translating the plandemic/pandemic The creation of the grand splitting, the virus, genetic keys and codes Assimilating into the technical intelligence/world, separation of source Time of corona and taking back our crown, our genetic ring Ascension vs descension process & genetic mutation Tangible and translatable for people Level 5 lockdown???! Having the virus and translating the experience Is the virus what we are being told?  The relationship with your innate body wisdom Activating memory and emotional response and trusting The virus is implanted in the human consciousness & triggering the fear wound The ultimate alchemy is to go into it and complete it Are we entering a dystopian world? Problem, reaction, solution..going deep Going with the plan or opting out what’s our choice? A third option, the power of the pendulum, untangling from the matrix Our natural intelligence is more sophisticated than any technical intelligence The alchemical process & phasing out Experiencing all aspects of universal life Inverting the focal point of the energy At a deep level we can utilise anything that is unfolding in our life Integration and evolvement & the new universal expression The role of viruses as an evolutionary role to evolve & grow Taking back your power and responsibility The virus is engineered? The fear surrounded what’s happening in the world Taking back our throne and empowerment An experience of the virus and the choice point Where are you still giving your power away?  Our body is a map of the universe and the matrix also exists in the body Moving beyond the controlling matrix A shamanic experience  Is ignorance bliss and honouring the path your own What is Niamhs superpower? The ability to see into who someone really is Bringing intimacy and human connection is so important now Beautiful morning ocean sea swims and overcoming fears So much to contemplate and sink in Steve’s miscarriage experience Niamhs own miscarriage experience and her offering of advice Timing and giving birth to something else We have the power and ability to tap into universal lore and intelligence Being open to what we need to learn Siris timely intervention!!! 1:47:51 Moving through the process.. Thank you so much Niamh for your time, your wisdom and sharing your truth. To know more about Niamh and the work she does you can connect through her website:   https://msha.ke/ori.gen_/   Or instagram: niamh_yvonne_cronin Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and feel free to leave any comments about this episode, your feedback is welcomed! Also visit our website http://www.realityhub.love/ where you can listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!