49 | Dark Phoenix


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Comic Book HQ


On this episode of Comic Book HQ, Jared and Jonah are joined once again by Jai Rivero to talk about "Dark Phoenix", the final chapter in the Fox X-Men franchise. Going in with low expectations we'll let you know if this movie is worth seeing, what we liked, and what we hated. During the lightning round, we talk about Nobody Is In Control #1, THUMBS #1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer #5, Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #1, and Black Cat #1. You can follow us on Facebook @TheComicBookHQ and on Twitter & Instagram @ComicBookHQ or email us at letters@thecomicbookhq.com. And visit our website at TheComicBookHQ.com for more great comic reviews and articles.