50. The Key Questions Every Online Seller Must Ask Themselves


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Why buying low is so critical (focus on profit margins) - 1:16Five questions for your buying strategy - 2:28Who? (who are you buying from?) - 2:38For large brands, your best bet is to buy direct from distributorsFor small brands, it is best to buy direct from the manufacturerWhat? (what are you selling?) - 8:53Where? (Where are you fulfilling it?) - 10:37Some products will sell better on eBay, for exampleThis will help you to know whether its more profitable to sell FBA or FBMHow? (how are you operating your business?) 11:44Which? (which method are you using to find suppliers?) - 13:38-----------Have you fell into the trap of trying to find out all of the answers before launching your Amazon business?Two things:1) You will never be able to predict what will happen before you begin taking action. (Action holds all necessary feedback for corrections)2) The QUESTIONS are the ANSWER.What does this mean?  A lot of business owners bind themselves into unnecessary anxiety simply because they are searching for the right ANSWERS...instead of the right QUESTIONS.This can be torturous.  Asking the right questions in your business will lead you to an oasis of taking positive action....and taking positive action IS the answer.Go here:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/50-key-questions-every-online-seller-must-ask-themselves/id1474270927?i=1000466719726Beau