#52: An End and a Beginning


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Life Unveiled with Phoebe and Eleni


A year end mark brings change. Change is what life is all about. Tune in to hear how change is affecting our podcast. Notes For a year now, we've shared our organic conversations on our podcast. It’s been an amazing ride for both of us. We thank you for sharing this journey with us. Phoebe is transforming the podcast to include organic conversation with others, some strangers, some not. It’s a way to broaden community and to discover more about the very fabric of life that holds us all together. There’s a learning curve to make this happen, expect a bit of a lapse in April podcasts. The new podcast looks at the only constant, change, and how it affects us--in general and in our personal and spiritual development. Everything is opening up to us in new ways. Phoebe sees herself as a catalyst to help with the ease of transformation. Together, we’ll remember who we are and celebrate going “deep” in a playful way. Subscribe, if you haven’t already, to our podcast to automatically get news about the new podcast. Links Phoebe Patten Eleni Livitsanos   Subscribe to invite conversation into your life every Wednesday.