6 tips for creating powerful and loving relationships


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Internal Intelligence Podcast

Society & Culture

There are thousands of movies, stories, self-help books, songs, videos and blogs about them. But what does a healthy relationship look like to you? You have relationships with so many people around you—friends, partners, parents, siblings, advisors, bosses, employees, neighbors, mechanics, hair stylists… And the list doesn’t stop there. While the kind of relationships you have vary greatly, if you’re like most people, you want each of them to be friendly, uplifting and well balanced. So, what steps can you take to ensure that your relationships are as good as possible? There is no magic formula; however, there are some things you can do to foster fulfilling relationships. Take a some time out of your day to learn 6 tips for creating powerful and loving relationships with The Big Three: Yourself, Others and God! "The quality of life we life directly reflects the relationships we have with ourselves, others & God." That means if you want to live a fulfilling life you should begin to learn how to cultivate powerful and loving relationships with The Big Three so that you can begin to feel more love, fulfillment, and connection with yourself, others & God.  ____________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram @tylerjoestratton Link for IG - https://www.instagram.com/tylerjoestratton/ Follow me on Facebook @tylerjoestratton Link for FB - https://www.facebook.com/tylerjoestratton/ ___________________________________________________ If you found this podcast helpful, encouraging, supportive or uplifting, please make it your mission to tell others about this podcast because I believe it is on each one of us to spread positivity and empowerment during these times of chaos, negativity and turmoil. You have the power to be the dealer of hope by lifting up other people through positive education so that their life begins to change for the better. If there is one thing that I’d ask any of you to do it would be to be the light in the darkness, be the hope in the hopeless, and be the love that you know this world needs. LOVE. LEAD. SERVE. Tyler Joe Stratton