609AlternativePerspectivesMurder In Piedmont


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On the morning of May 28, 2009...a man was murdered in Piedmont Park, I didn't know him but he was a human being and member of the global family. His murder has been reported in such a way that the issue of the murder has been made a secondary issue..and the assumption that he was in the park to 'get sex' has been the focus..this is not acceptable... Hear Jon Gabriel Ortiz..he started a blog on FB..and the response to it was extraordinary...starting a conversation..that is usually viewed as taboo...but one that must be had...and a question that must find answers... We as homosexuals are judged on a whole other standard...then what the law says...hear what motivated Jon to write...and hear comments from the panel present in the studio...plus comments for callins..pro and con... There much to do...and we must step up...