#62 - Speaking About Sex to 300,000 People | Dr. Robert Kittel


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Love, Life, Legacy: A Show About Sex


For most people, sex education, abstinence, and purity education aren’t comfortable topics to talk about. Each country and culture have their own views and takes about these, and some might even consider this topic not only sensitive but even taboo. However, we must realize how important it is to understand cultural differences that have layers upon layers of traditions, beliefs and varying nuances to deliver the message correctly. Sex plays an important role in our life, so it’s important to promote sexual sanity and further educate people about sexual purity. For today’s episode, Dr. Kittel will be sharing his insights on what drives his desire to be a filial child’s True Parents, and his journey to different countries while educating them about purity education. We will also be discussing the CC model or Condoms and Consent, the concept of safe sex, the four realms of the heart, and the virtue of filial piety. We will also be touching on the importance of the expression of love and relationship with family or parents. Listen to this episode to learn more! Teaching young people to honor their parents is the foundation for sexual purity. [7:04] CC model: Condoms and Consent. [7:10] Four realms of heart: Parental love, Conjugal love, Siblings' love, and Filial love. [7:53] The ultimate foundation is the parental love itself, the filial love itself [8:13] The brother-sister relationship is really important because it's a relationship of love of opposite sexes but doesn't involve sexuality. [17:23] Marriage gives stability to our society. [23:27] The purpose of human sexuality is to bring a man and a woman together and bond them in the image of God. [24:17] There is a purpose of human sexuality that includes pleasure, procreation, reproduction, the existence of the species. [25:01] Love creates lineage. [25:46] Freedom has to be connected with responsibility. [43:17] You can dishonor your parents and your family by misusing sex. [50:15]