#66 - Welcome Benjy Uyama


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Love, Life, Legacy: A Show About Sex


“ Life is meant for living, not just existing.”                            - Anon The main reason for living is to find our purpose, finding that passion, and feel a sense of excitement rather than just living aimlessly. We are living in a world where we are being enslaved mostly by the things around us that we have access to and the environment we belong to: our work, businesses, school, hobbies, or even our addictions.  Pornography is really a huge roadblock for most people and it destroys marriage, relationships, and your life in general. When pornography enters a relationship, it has the potential to break it and ruin it for good. In this episode, we welcome Benjy Uyama, Sammy’s younger brother who will be our new co-host for High Noon. He started his passion as a volunteer, and now, as he experienced the grace and received fulfilling blessings in his life, he would like to also share it to others as well especially those struggling with pornography and in reclaiming their sexual integrity.  Let us get to know Benjy more and listen to how he chose to live the life that he has now - a life of peace, fulfilled dreams, passion and purpose. Benjy’s journey to developing his passion to help others, particularly to help people receive and experience a fulfilling blessing. [04:21] There's nothing more important to us than being able to support people to experience a fulfilling life and a fulfilling marriage. [06:45] Focusing on what you can control: your focus on your integrity [11:55] Focusing on what you can offer to help the situation [12:15] High noon as not just anti-porn or pro-sex movement, but about allowing men and women to experience family of joy, passion, accountability and openness inside of this organization of family. [15:40]