7: S02E07 - Cornerstone Partners


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Founders Clinic


In this season of Founders Clinic, Nana and Andy are talking to Venture Capital firms and Angel Investors, to demystify the funding landscape and draw parallels between the journey of founders and investors. For this episode we sat down with Jude Addo (https://www.linkedin.com/in/judeaddo/) & Chenelle Ansah (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chenelle-ansah/) from Cornerstone Partners (https://cornerstonepartners.co.uk/) , an angel investment network focused on investing in businesses owned and run by black and diverse founders. We had a great conversation about: - The angel syndicate’s humble beginnings - Why they choose to invest heavily in black founders - Helping founders understand the perspective of investors This podcast is sponsored by Balsamiq (https://balsamiq.com/) , the quick and easy wireframing tool. For anyone looking to create wireframes easily, check out the link below for a promo code to get a 90 day free trial, please visit https://balsamiq.com/go/founders-clinic/. Well worth it! Balsamiq have also kindly donated some of their sponsored airtime to some exciting startups! Say hello to HairPopp (https://www.hairpopp.com/) , an online marketplace for Afro and curly hair care products. Check them out! Feel free to get in touch with Nana on Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nana-parry/) or visit www.tectoniclondon.com (http://www.tectoniclondon.com/) for more info on how we help start-ups understand their customers in these unpredictable times. You can find out more about Andy's Angel Investing School on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AndysHVC?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) or sign up for his weekly newsletter (https://www.getrevue.co/profile/Andy-Ayim%20) , to keep up to date with him.