#70 -- Sanders: "America Is NOT a Compassionate Country!" -- Transitioning to a DIRECT ACTION Podcast!


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What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

News & Politics

Recorded January 27, 2017. You always hurt the one you love, and Trump loves the middle-class and veterans. Is it any surprise his first executive actions will inflict pain upon...the middle-class and veterans? Bernie asks Trump's HHS cabinet nominee Tom Price if he believes healthcare is a right. When Dr. Price responds with the typical conservative dodge "we are a compassionate country", Bernie sets him straight. Unfortunately, the numbers place the United States toward the bottom of industrialized natIons when it comes to taking care of their most vulnerable. Alternative facts are much less alternative when scientific facts are silenced. And the fossil fuel industry and agribiz are more profitable when they're able to pollute and poison. Let's join the "rogue" agencies trying to keep Americans informed about reality. We'll be transitioning to emphasize direct action and information about how YOU can make a difference by infiltrating the political process at all levels. It's what Bernie Sanders has asked all of us to do! The What Would Bernie Sanders Do Podcast is Dr. Barry Kaufman with Host Darren Stephens and is produced in Chicago by Ruth Kaufman. Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/whatwouldberniesandersdo/. Learn more about how you can help the campaign by going to www.berniesanders.com. Find us on Twitter and Instagram @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann http://robinb.org/music.html.