#73: It’s not about tech, it’s about good teaching: An Interview with Cathy Yenca.


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Making Math Moments That Matter


Cathy Yenca is a middle school teacher from Austin, Texas who has been leading the charge in effective math teaching pedagogy and effective use of technology in math class.  The Mathy Cathy blog is a go-to spot not only because she routinely shares great resources and reflections, but because she is constantly sharing interesting ways to use technology to help her formatively assess students on an ongoing basis and to give her students a voice in math class.  You’ll Learn:  How to effectively use technology in your math class.  How technology can be a hindrance to learning and how you can overcome those obstacles.  How you can avoid tech-overwhelm so you can do what matters most.  What the focus of using tech should be and what it shouldn’t be.  Resources:  Seeking Students Who Hide [Socrative]  The Way Digital Tools Are Used Can Make A Difference NCTM Article:  Mathy Cathy Blog  Using Keynote To Explore Math Relationships [iBooks]  Cathy’s Shadowcon Talk www.Knowledgehook.com  @mathycathy Teacher.desmos.com Nearpod Socrative