73: Lessons from the 3 Kings! Feast of the Ephiphany Sermon St. Vincent Ferrer


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Catholic Conversations

Religion & Spirituality

Here I read the sermon of St. Vincent Ferrer on the Epiphany! Topics addressed:St. Vincent Ferrer tells us of the virtues of the three kings as well as how they found Jesus from traveling such a far distance. Plus! What was the deal with the Star??Read the sermon here https://svfsermons.org/A191_EpiphanySermon.htm"And falling down they adored him," (Mt 2:11)   Today's feast is commonly called Epiphany or Appearance, which is the same.  Because the Virgin Birth which had been hidden and secret, today was manifest to the nations.  So the churchmen say and call this feast Epiphany, from "epi" which is "above" and "phanos"  which is "appearance," because the star appeared over the nations.  In order that God should wish to give us sentiments of sweetness of this feast in our souls, let us salute the Virgin Mary, etc.Contact Me:Email: FonsecaProduction@gmail.comWebsite: http://catholicconversations.buzzsprout.comIG: @ffonzeFacebook: Adrian Fonseca Facebook: Catholic Conversations Twitter: @AdrianFonzeYouTube: Catholic ConversationsYouTube: Adrian Fonseca