#77 Exploring our Pole Dance industry from a new perspective with Charlotte Robertson


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Charlotte Robertson shows how to combine many different “pole personalities” as a pole dancer. Her handstands are definitely her signature style, but when you see her do floorshapes or exotic tricks you’ll be fascinated by her flow. She speaks about her path to becoming the pole dancer she is today and how being a mother herself influenced her training. As a studio owner she discovered new possibilities with teaching classes online and talks about the advantages for students (and teachers). Positive vibes are waiting for you if you listen to this insightful episode.   In this episode (#77)  you will learn:  How pole dance competitions can boost your pole career What you truly need to master your handstand (on and off the pole)  Why online classes a a massive advantage for your pole skills Spannendes, das in dieser Episode vorkommt:  Folge dem Pole Dance Podcast bei Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poledancr/ Du liebst den Pole Dance Podcast? Dann hinterlasse doch super gerne eine 5* Bewertung auf iTunes! So können wir noch mehr Pole Dancer erreichen und weitere Menschen für den Pole Sport begeistern.   Hast du eine Frage oder möchtest dein Feedback zum Podcast mitteilen?  Dann schick mir gerne eine Nachricht an hey@poledancr.com und du bekommst schnellstmöglich eine Antwort von mir ♡