8. How Christians Should Participate in Politics: Matthew Milioni


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The Third Way


How do Christians pursue justice? Through politics? If not--if we're not going to run for office, put forward legislation, or even vote, how then do we participate in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth? In this episode, Christopher sits down with church-planter Matthew Milioni to talk about Kingdom Politics, justice, and his journey toward non-violence and Christo-Anarchism. Resources mentioned in this podcast: Dial 911: Peaceful Christians and Urban Violence by Dave Jackson The Anatomy of a Hybrid by Leonard Verduin  Christus Victor Gustaf Aulén Politics of Jesus by John Howard Yoder* Faith and Wealth by Justo L. Gonzalez King Jesus Claims His Church by Finny Kuruvilla Check out a few of Matthew's sermons at Followers of the Way here. Or either of his podcast Dank Kingdom Podcast and Talking in the Chasm. If you enjoyed this podcast, be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future episodes, and please rate and review the show on iTunes! (Or even if you hate it and want to regularly torture yourself.) OR if you prefer the video version of the podcast, be sure to subscribe to the channel (The Third Way) to get future video podcast videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5O9Hr5sAu4l4Ww6jNW_gA?view_as=subscriber Follow The Third Way on social media to keep up with all the conversations Christopher will be having over the next few months on The Third Way podcast!  FOLLOW HERE:  FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/thirdwaypodcast TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ThirdWayPodcast INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thirdwaypod...  If you'd like to contact Christopher and those at The Third Way, you can email thirdwaypodcast@gmail.com. EPISODE MUSIC The Brilliance, 'Brother'