86. #FEMSQUIRE Series: Temple University Trial Advocacy Professor Elizabeth Lippy, Esq.


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Wake Up Call


Remember when Alicia Silverstone said in Clueless that her father was a litigator, the "scariest kind of lawyer"?  Well, that's Elizabeth Lippy.  She's just the right kind of scary.  She knows her way around a courtroom and how to woo a jury.  (Literally, but more on that later).  No matter what hat she's wearing (and there are a lot of them), she's a litigator right down to the bone.  As the partner/co-founder of the criminal defense and personal injury firm Fairlie and Lippy PC, the Founder and Executive Director of TACT (Trial Advocacy Consulting & Training LLC), and the Director of Trial Advocacy at Temple University Beasley School of Law, Elizabeth has been sharpening her trial chops her entire career and now she's teaching others how to do do it.  She's a fierce advocate for her clients, having extensive experience defending criminal defendants accused of sex crimes, and an advocate for women being authentic in the courtroom.  (Find out what she thinks about pantyhose).   Included in this conversation:  What she thought a female lawyer was “supposed” to look like The best advice for trial lawyers Pantyhose in the courtroom How a juror FBI Agent became her husband The adrenaline rush of trial The nitty gritty of defending sex crimes That time a client admitted the crime after a non-guilty verdict Is there really justice in a courtroom? Attitudes towards victim bashing in sex crimes Is the law fair to defendants in sex crimes? The danger of inviting your date upstairs Parenting sons to protect against rape allegations Parenting daughters to protect against sex crimes Jury selection in sex crime trials How teens can get in trouble sexting Fun jury stories What she really thinks of the jury Are jury experts real? Is there some truth to Susan Smith Blakely’s ABA Journal article? What we think about the ABA Journal Commonplace sexual harassment in the workplace Is it “normal”? Innocent until proven guilty still apply? If you liked this interview, FOLLOW me on Apple and Spotify for more like this one! You can also watch this interview on YouTube.   If you're interested in being a guest on Wake Up Call, DM me on Instagram or email me at Christina@GetHappyDivorce.com.