91 - GRENADA VS NIGERIA ft. Axel Blake


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Quotas Full


#QuotasFull @QuotasFull Remember to follow us on Spotify and Sub on YouTube. This week we were joined by Axel Blake who has a special on Amazon Prime video: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Axel-Blake-Not-Gonna-Lie/dp/B0848W56GN/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=axel+blake&qid=1581013461&s=instant-video&sr=1-1 We spoke about - First Cars - Corona Virus - Funmbi and Dane Argue about their countries - and a whole heap more @KaeKurd @axelcomedian @DaneBaptweets/@danesnaptiste @moochabout @funmbi/funmbi_omotayo @eshaan_akbar