A Modern Approach to As-Builts


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Flintco Forward


Regional Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Managers for Flintco, Kevin Bromenshenk & Jason Schrader, joined us on Flintco Forward to help redefine as-builts as more than just being a two-dimensional format of marked changes made during the construction process by emphasizing the importance of as-builts during and after construction. As Bromenshenk put it: “The perception of as-builts from the past is not what the definition of as-builts today.” Bromenshenk explained that the perception of as-builts hinged onto its early stages, when the industry did not have access to advanced technology where assistance in planning and problem solving in the field were as readily available. As-builts as the industry understands the term today came to be through trial and error in the field. “A PDF version of a red line drawing that was derived from something, whether it was a guy taking a tape measure in the field or marking up a coordination drawing, or construction document,” Schrader said, agreeing with Bromenshenk. “But to us, that does not really meet the need or the term in today’s world of an accurate as built.” According to Schrader, as-builts are often a task that is completed at the end of the project, which can result in inaccurate data, lost time and lost money. Schrader insisted on placing an advancement of tracking changes as they happen, updating models during construction. “It must be done along with the project,” he said. It is crucial for contractors and their teams to systematically communicate and recognize each other’s role. According to Bromenshenk, taking this course of action could help take the burden off of the tradesmen, who frequently spilt their attention between the office and the field. With the entire crew participating, the integration of responses might continuously be used to update construction documents. As-builts have evolved into numerous deliverables, surpassing simple PDF drawings. “It is a conglomerate of different mediums or technologies used during the process,” Schrader said. Technology such as 360-degree cameras can depict exact location. Laser scanning alerts engineers to preventable problems. Both pre and post project completion crews gain assurance of where everything is, resulting in a significant finished product for the client. “In the end the owner needs, tangible deliverables, that defines as-builts,” Bromenshenk said. Assimilating new technologies, such as laser scanning, designers, engineers and contractors are enabled to adopt a proficient workflow. Educating not only the crewmen, but the clients for current and future projects. According to both managers, Flintco’s new approach to as-builts is being used as a quality control tool. Resulting in a decrease in unnecessary reverse-engineering and the costs associated. It is only with accurate as-builts that engineers and work crews in the future could possibly know what is already installed and exactly where.