A Note About the Audio-Only Version of Soundwriting Pedagogies


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Soundwriting Pedagogies


This is the first track of a playlist where you’ll find audio-only versions of the preface, introduction, and the other nine chapters in Soundwriting Pedagogies, edited by Courtney S. Danforth, Kyle D. Stedman, & Michael J. Faris. But you're not necessarily going to hear the full vision of these authors' pieces here. In fact, in most cases, you'll hear disparate pieces of shorter audio that we editors stitched together. Picture the original version of each chapter as a webtext with a lot of audio pieces that are in some cases surrounded by contextualizing text. Here, you'll just hear the audio, no context. We want you to be able to experience a book about sound in sound. We want you to take the book to places where you're not tethered to a screen. And then when you’re able to look at your phone or tablet or computer, check out the rest of the content surrounding these audio files at http://ccdigitalpress.org/soundwriting.