A Voting Rights Roundup with Stephen Wolf


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Another Way, by Lawrence Lessig

News & Politics

On this episode, Adam Eichen speaks with Stephen Wolf, staff writer for Daily Kos Elections. The two discuss the recent Congressional stimulus package and what it means for our democracy, which states are adapting their elections to COVID-19, and how our unrepresentative electoral system skews politicians' response to the crisis. Note: As election laws are changing rapidly, much has changed since this podcast was recorded. Link to the Voting Rights Roundup mentioned in the episode: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/3/27/1931927/-Voting-Rights-Roundup-Congress-new-stimulus-law-doesn-t-do-enough-to-protect-voting-in-November Sign up to receive Stephen's Voting Rights Roundup: here: https://www.dailykos.com/campaigns/forms/get-the-daily-kos-elections-voting-rights-roundup-over-email Please consider supporting this podcast on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/EqualCitizens