ACAC - Episode 15 (From the SCTE Show Floor – Connecting the Home!)


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ACA Connects


SCTE-ISBE CableTec EXPO ACA Connects Panel on Network Management and Broadband Growth for Mid-Size and Small ISPsMatt Polka, President and CEO of ACA Connects-America’s Communications Association, moderated a panel on theSCTE Innovation Show Floor Wed., Oct. 2, 2019, in New Orleans, with four key tech strategists on both the ISP andvendor side. Matt’s guests all have operator experience and now work strengthening the broadband connection in thehome. Matt’s guests included Josh Barstow, EVP-Corporate Strategy & Business Development, OpenVault; Cash Hagen,COO, Evolution Digital; Ken Johnson, Senior Vice President-Technology Services, Cable ONE, dba Sparklight; and TomWilliams, Vice President-Engineering & Technology, Schurz Communications. During the panel, Matt’s guests discussedsimplifying the customer experience, embracing the “wireless” home, turning wireless into a business opportunity, andusing data to help create positive customer experiences. Matt and ACA Connects thank Mark Dzuban and ZenitaHenderson of SCTE for the permission to air this SCTE panel on our next ACA Connects Podcast!