Advice for Young Metal Detector Hobbyists with Brand Ambassador Jocelyn Elizabeth


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Discover the Truth


You can usually spot Jocelyn Elizabeth a mile away. On a field of dozens of hobbyists using Garrett metal detectors, she's typically the only young woman on the field with some radical shade of color in her hair. Elizabeth, the founder of Relic Recoverist, a popular YouTube channel about her relic-hunting adventures with her metal detector, is our guest today on Discover the Truth by Garrett Metal Detectors. After Elizabeth bought her first metal detector, she learned like many do, just trying out the features by trial and error. But the true catalyst to buying her first Garrett is a story she doesn't share very often. "The reason I bought my first metal detector is actually kind of embarrassing," Elizabeth said. "I was out hunting for old bottles in the woods and I let my daughter play with my car keys, which is never a good idea. Of course, it was fall and all the leaves were on the ground, so when I looked down and saw my keys were gone." She put out a plea to her friends and family on social media looking for someone with a metal detector to help. "A woman came out to help and as I was watching her use it, it got my wheels turning," she said.