Advice from Women’s BBall players that plays and/or have played in WNBA, Europe, NAIA, D1, 2, 3...


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U Can B Mo Radio talking NBA Finals


U Can B Mo Podcast: Episode 13 Wednesday, July 1st, 2020 9pm CST Host: Brandon Morris Co-Host: “The Bench” Greg Leech, Corey Ciesielczyk, Jason Attanosoft, Michael Holden, Sed Young Guest: “The Starters” * Sam Logic, WNBA/Europe * Jalah Harris, Cardinal Strich University * Gabbi Ortiz, U of Oklahoma/Europe * Sidney Cooks, Mississippi State * Grace Scalzo, UW-Parkside Trivia Guru: Jon Atkins 1st Segment (45 minutes) 1. Knowing what you know now…what do you say to your high school self about playing at the next level? 2. How do you compare the way you were coached in High School vs College? 3. Any advice you would give to parents asking what it takes for their kids to play college basketball?  2nd Segment (45 minutes) ***IS NOT AVAILABLE**** 4. What WNBA or NBA player do you follow the most and which one do you play like? 5. What’s your best college basketball arena/atmosphere you played in and why? 6. What was difficult about being a collegiate student-athlete and why? Bonus Questions (if time allows): * What are your most and least favorite moments from the LAST DANCE? Closing Segment - Each coach gives advice to young up and coming players looking to play at the next level. - Each coach gives advice to parents of those players looking to play at the next level.