Afghan Dispatches 01 | Diva Patang


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Welcome to AFGHAN DISPATCHES with ChromeRadio's CATRIONA OLIPHANT ( and television presenter and business woman DIVA PATANG ( It has been heartrending following the news coming out of Afghanistan over the past few weeks, and yesterday’s terror attacks outside a packed Kabul Airport – crowded with people trying to leave the country - marks a disturbing escalation in the violence. In AFGHAN DISPATCHES, we will follow events as they unfold. When CATRIONA OLIPHANTI visited Afghanistan in 2016 for the FINANCIAL TIMES ( and again, on her own account, in 2019, the Afghans she spoke to were hopeful for the future. Life had improved for many since the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001, and there had been real progress as regards women’s rights. But they were realistic about the ongoing challenges – corruption, terror attacks, criminal activity – and knew that it would take time, and ongoing Western support, to build a strong civil society. Now uncertainty lies ahead. Afghans are fearful for the future. Nobody yet knows what kind of regime this Taliban will put in place, and in particular what that regime will mean for women. NOTE: This podcast was recorded before the terror attacks outside Kabul airport on 26 August 2021 PRODUCTION | Producer/Presenter - Catriona Oliphant for ChromeRadio | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp.