After Serenity - Episode 14


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After Serenity


News - Link to Joss/Amazon interview ( OriginsGen Con    Check your event location at the Gen Con web site! The printed tickets that were mailed out were printed wrong and have the wrong location on them!    Regular game slots are filled, but openings do happen at the game, so bring some generics.    Shindig is still open, let us know if you want to attend, and send in your character background.    Podcast Meetup - Saturday 7pm - 9pm    Easter Egg - Write down the name of Jayne's gun and give it to you GM for 6 extra plot points.Dragon*Con    Sam Chupp will be our GM for Dragon*Con. He will be running "And Now You Are Here", our second module.    Promos:Goblin http://gbncom.comHeart of the Hunter -