American Ground Radio 7-22-2021 Full Show


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American Ground Radio


The CNN Town Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, with President Biden was such a bust that at least half of the seats in the Mount St. Joseph University auditorium were empty, and the show’s cable broadcast ratings came in dead last! Considering Biden is supposed to have won a huge, record majority of American votes just 8 months ago, and considering Trump still has huge crowds outside his rallies unable to get inside, this is a major blow to the Biden Administration’s image of being supported by the American people. National Review editor Jack Butler is quoted as saying it was a "hideous spectacle unbecoming of a self-governing republic”, and he added “if CNN had any shame…, the network would never air one of these idiotic events again.” And local Cincinnati news outlets are reported to have not been able to find out who was responsible for hosting this event at the school in the first place.It is shameful the Biden Family does not have the same love and devotion to Joe Biden that Nancy Reagan had for Ronald Reagan in his declining years. The real problem is Americans and the entire world know Biden is not “in charge” at the White House. The problem is which UNELECTED person really is?The European Handball Federation (EHF) Disciplinary Committee absolutely requires bikini bottoms be worn by their womens’ beach handball team players, and our @American Mamas, Teri Netterville and Denise Arthur, are asking “who made that rule up?” Apparently, really tight fitting Short-Shorts just are not an acceptable substitute! Thus, the Norwegian Beach Handball Team was fined the Euro equivalent of $1,768 because they choose to not wear bikini bottoms, but more modest, yet still tight fitting, short-shorts instead. Interestingly, the men’s beach handball team players wear — shorts!Why are married couples living in blue states able to draw as much as $100,000.00 in combined Federal and State funds for NOT WORKING when there are so many HELP WANTED SIGNS in almost every business window in almost every community in that state? Apparently, Joe Biden and his Administration really does not understand the concept of “supply and demand”. Of course, if you have never had any job other than a government job, you have no experience with that fundamental economic business concept! Employers simply cannot pay more in wages than their companies can make in income.All Republicans in the US Senate voted against a procedural issue involving the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill, and that caused Chuck Schumer to also vote against it (only so he could bring it back up later). Americans are generally supportive of rebuilding roads, bridges, ports, dams, water & sewer utility pipelines, water treatment plants, the electric grid, and airports. The problem with the bill is all the extra stuff, such as Democrat “pet projects” and other “socialist agenda” items. Furthermore, every dollar in this bill will have to be borrowed — generally from our enemies, such as China, and then paid back by several decades from now future generations. George Foreman, boxing Gold Medal winner gold medal at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, believes you cannot love America only sometimes or when it is “politically correct”. He is quoted as having said, “I have always loved America. And once you fall in love just like falling in love with your wife, no one can say anything about her.” He further explained, “The next night she is still my wife. And I'm going to stay. That's why you make that thing ‘until death do we part.’ That's why nothing has ever shook my faith and love in the country and when you love a country, nothing can bother you. If you are halfway in love you are going to have a lot of trouble.”