American Jihad, domestic terrorists more of a threat.


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America has a long history of terrorism. But for some reason americans fear terrorism from those who are whole ocean away. For the longest time america has created its own boogeymen. Then used that trumped up fear to pass over reaching and privacy degrading laws. One such law is the NDAA. With the recent shooting in San Bernardino. Gun sales have spiked yet again. And even conceal cary classes have been filling up faster. More "white" people are grabbing their guns to fight terrorists they wont see anytime soon. But let the media tell it. The crazy muslims are plotting their next attack. Its funny how "white" americans are concerned with muslims who havent done anything. But show no concern for their own domestic terrorists. Such as Dylan roof/ruff? Or the man who just shot up a planned parent hood. But guys like that arent called terrorists. Hmmm.