#AmINext Genderbased Violence in South Africa – an ongoing crisis


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The #AmINext Movement has been incited due to the atrocious murder of the 19-year film- and media student at the University of Cape Town Uyinene Mrwetyana. Women all over South Africa manifested in the streets under the question "#AmINext" to protest against gender based violence in South Africa. Recent statistics of the South African Police Force show that every three hours a woman is murdered. South Africa has one of the highest feticide rates in the world (4th place out of 183 countries). In this episode we are elaborating on the crisis with the help of Nikeata (@nikitawindvogel), a young South African Xhosa woman who recently moved to Germany as an Au-Pair and Konstantin (@konstantin_xa), a long-time listener of Redlektion who has one or two connections to South Africa that he will touch on. Once again, be prepared to unlearn & relearn. Shoutout: DJ Freegah (https://www.instagram.com/djfreegah/)!!! *Korrektur: In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bestand in den meisten Bundesländern bis längstens 1973 (in Bayern jedoch bis 1983) ein Züchtigungsrecht für Lehrkräfte an Schulen gegenüber den ihnen zur Erziehung anvertrauten Schülern; in einzelnen Bundesländern war die körperliche Züchtigung jedoch bereits vorher untersagt. Das letzte Recht zur körperlichen Züchtigung, das in Deutschland im Jahr 2000 abgeschafft wurde, stellte das Recht der Züchtigung der Kinder durch die Eltern dar. Zuvor galt es als ein Elternrecht. Sources: https://aminext.news24.com (news 24) https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-death-of-uyinene-mrwetyana-and-the-rise-of-south-africas-aminext-movement https://www.giz.de/de/downloads/PfP_South%20Africa_Stakeholder%20Network%20Analysis%202018.pdf https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/south-africa-s-president-condemns-gender-based-violence/1655360 https://www.saferspaces.org.za/understand/entry/gender-based-violence-in-south-africa https://web.archive.org/web/20181218065334/https://www.gewaltinfo.at/betroffene/kinder/gesetzliches_gewaltverbot.php Paypal Moneypool: https://paypal.me/pools/c/8j4j65Utxg Our socials can be found here: https://bio.fm/redlektion