Are Mammograms a Scam? GREED, FEAR, BETRAYAL


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All Things Green Living - Vanessa Pronge


A Breast Expose - The Breast Kept Secret  GREED, FEAR, BETRAYAL Are Mammograms the BIGGEST scam ever perpetrated in medical history?  Studies conclude the risks mammograms pose may outweigh the benefits.  Avoiding them can lower your risk.  Mammograms have not decreased the ultimate mortality rate, not even by 1% and 33% to over 50% of women are being over-diagnosed and over-treated.  3D Mammograms are CT scans utilizing more radiation and MRI utilizes toxic contrast agents.  Are  Breast Thermograms (Infrared Scans), self-breast Exams, ultrasounds and/or Blood Tests better options?   Your Life. Your Choice. * Biopsies and Surgeries Spread Cancer Simple Blood Tests (similar to IvyGene) are a much wiser option in determining if cancer is present and can provide Inflammatory Markers so preventative and/or healing therapies can be utilized at the earliest stage.  Biopsies (needle and core) and surgeries guarantee the spread of cancer cells.  Is that a factor in why cancers routinely metastasize and become more aggressive, even after toxic radiation and chemo-therapies? * Harmful Cut, Burn, and Poison Protocol If diagnosed, PAUSE! You have plenty of time to educate yourself on ALL Available Options (not just the cut, burn and poison option).  First, demand on meeting your Pathologist to have ALL of Your Questions Answered.  The dictated standard of care has failed millions for decades while providing The Breast Cancer industry TRILLIONS in profits, annually.  Please question perceived authority, doctors are not gods.  Your hair is not on fire, you are not contagious and you are not replaceable, so take time to discover the course of action that is in Your Best Interest.   ***You're invited to join us A Breast Expose at the Fair Oaks Theater on Saturday, September 21st at 10 am for a film to empower women! A Breast Expose provides an opportunity to hear from world-renown Optimal Whole Health and Wellness leaders. The film offers a new paradigm strategy focused on education, prevention, and healing therapies.  You can purchase your tickets at for $10 *discount for 4 or more so invite your friends or click the link: ***In Los Angeles on October 6th, 5 pm to 7 pm at Regal Live 1000 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90015 ***If you're in the California Central Coast be sure to attend The Women's Health Expo on October 20th at the Clark Center for the Performing Arts 787 Fiar Oaks Ave Arroyo Grande, CA. from 2pm to 5pm