Arkady Brown: Body Image and The Vulva Art Project


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She Will Rise Podcast


Arkady talks with us about the body image and the beauty of our vulvas by sharing her project, The Vulva Art Project, with us. We met through a mutual friend and one day she called me and said she had this project. When she told me about it, I had a full YES! this needs to be done. Arkady realized through her work, as a Fine Art Boudoir Photographer, she kept witnessing the shame that women have around their bodies.  She dug deeper and found that a lot of shame is held in your most sacred part of our body, the part of our body that makes us women, our vulvas.  Arkady has had her own issues with body image shaming, struggled with eating disorders and feels like this is a part of her own healing process.  I have been working with the project and the healing that is happening for the women involved in this project is profound and amazing!  We please check out and donate to this amazing project!!! Here is more info about Arkady!