Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2021-10-13


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Ashley and Brad Show


news birthdays/events pros and cons of wearing a company uniform u.s. is really unhealthy...but this country is really healthy...and it's not in europe news game: totally tubular 80's trivia what non americans think about halloween text etiquette...'the group text' news what does your mom still do for you? game: what year was it? what beauty tip would you give your younger self? news amazon's most desirable toy list would you want your boss to do your job? goodbye/fun facts....Pets come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes sizes get a little out of hand. but today is National Pet Obesity Day to remind people to keep their pets healthy. that extra layer an have some serious consequences No one wants to think their pet is overweight but Currently more than half of all domestic dogs and cats are clinically overweight, This can lead to serious health issues for these animals including diabetes, arthritis, decreased life expectancy, high blood pressure and cancer. in 1998 The Guinness World Records stopped awarding records to the heaviest pets to avoid pet owners from overfeeding.