Atlanta Nights


Listens: 0

I Don't Even Own a Television


For SO many reasons, it's time to get out of town, and so we're hitting the road to check out some of those hot Atlanta Nights we've been hearing so much about! Atlanta Nights is a truly bizarre artifact, so strange that it forces us to break our own rules and stretch our own format, as we take a deep dive into the churned-up waters of "bad on purpose" and find ... well, okay. Look. You know that one friend of yours, here, deep into 2020, who still thinks "my pants are suddenly tighter" is still a funny way to describe an erection? (In local podcast terms, we call that one friend "The Clsn".) This book has probably five of those jokes. Accompany us, won't you, as we step into restaurant after restaurant to indulge our ... appetites—but ONLY after dark, because this is not a daytime affair, friends, no, no, no. This is an affair of ... Atlanta Nights. Want to check out Atlanta Nights for yourself? You can do it so at HERE. We love you! Recommendations: Sun Don't Shine movie The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells Pen15 show Music: "Oh Atlanta" by Little Feat "Sex and Dying in High Society" by Japandroids "Warm Leatherette" by The Normal