Australia's birdging visas explained - Şîkirdinewey vîzayî katî Australya


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When someone applies for a visa in Australia, they are granted a bridging visa so that they can stay in the country lawfully until a decision on their visa application is made.There are multiple bridging visas that come with different conditions, depending on the applicant's circumstances. This episode of Settlement Guide explains the most common bridging visas and some of the rights and conditions they come with. - Katêk ke kesêk pêşkeşkarî dekat bo vîza le nawxoyî Australya, vizay katî pêdedrêt hetakû ew katey dawakrêkey prose dekrêt.Çendîn corî cîyawazî vîzay katî heye, ke merc û pêdawîstî cûday heye.