Baby Avia Orangutan Diva


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Queen Zoaya Counts's Podcast


Aviva, the Orangutan Diva, is beginning her day with song and swinging through the trees. She stops to get bananas and, to her surprise, finds none. Her mother tells her that she must cross the river to get them, but she must be careful with danger lurking.The author of this book Hans Kullberg wrote this exciting children's story in honor of his baby girl Aviva. Aviva left this earthly realm at 1o months, and he wrote this book in honor of her memory. Even though this is a children's book, adults can gain a valuable lesson from this story. In honor of her memory, lend me your ears and celebrate the journey of the Aviva The Organtun Diva. Learn more about the impact Aviva is creating by visiting: hansskullberg.comSupport the show (