Back In The Day: Bedazzled 2000


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Binge-Watchers Podcast


Back In The Day, 20 years ago, during that Y2K, they released a bunch of great movies. Back in the day, they released Bedazzled. Join us as we reminisce about one of our favorite comedy movies starring Brendan Fraser.Watch Bedazzled nowDesperate to gain the affection of a beautiful co-worker, Elliot (Brendan Fraser) strikes a deal with the Devil (Elizabeth Hurley) -- a drop dead gorgeous woman with a wicked sense of humor. In exchange for Elliot's soul, she will grant him 7 wishes. But with each wish, he gets more than he asked for**Bedazzled is a 2000 comedy film directed by Harold Ramis and starring Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley. It is a remake of the 1967 film of the same name, written by Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, which was itself a comic retelling of the Faust legend. Watch Bedazzled nowBinge-Watchers is a late night show for your ears with entertainment news, film history, philosophies based on movie plots, hear the adventures and successful failures of our host, JOHNNY SPOILER joined by his buddies he has known since film school, DANGEROUS DAVE, NICKY LATES, and sometimes, their friends from TV, Film, and Music come along for the ride. One epic binge-watch after another. You could say this crew are professional binge watchers because they are movie fans that grew up to to try to make some films of their own as they navigate the industry, day jobs, and real life.Please support the creation of future podcastsFollow Binge-Watchers Podcast on FacebookTweet at Binge-Watchers PodcastInstagram Binge-WatchersSupport the show (