Beyon Ultra: The Natural Way with Jack Halverson


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Beyond Ultra with David "The Hound" Liggett


Many people think that after retirement from a great career for many years, you are to just sit back and relax, unless you are that select few, who take it to the next level!  My guest on the next show did just that!  Join me as I talk with Natural Body Builder, Sponsored P4P Muscle Athlete, and DFAC (Druf Free Athletes Coalition) promoter, JACK HALVERSON.  Jack has been natural body building for a while now, but has taken it to the next level after retiring from Caterpillar a few months back.  Now he bangs out 2 a days, and has hit the stage to compete in Figure competitions.  We will find out how Jack trains, and competes, and just what makes Jack unique! This is going to be a great show, and you won't want to miss ths one!