BHM/365: Blackness, Hip-hop, and Nanny of the Maroons


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Better Left Podcast


Ash sits down with local community activists/poets; Kamali, Maven and Seneca “Rosie Rocket” Rose to celebrate Black History Month and discuss a wide range of related topics spanning from Racial and Gender Identity to Youth Culture and Voting. They do it all through the sociopolitical lens they colloquially refer to as “Blackness”. Join us for this spiritual and often unconventional ride that we hope will inspire more questions and better solutions! References From The Show: S.A.F.E. (Seattle Against Foreclosure & Eviction) is a collective group made up of local disabled, queer, cash-poor, community organizers that have come together in an effort to help strengthen the fight against issues of displacement via gentrification through Community, Economic, Enivornmental and Social Justice. Attributions: Intro song: “Big Dipper Style” - Ash León Outro Song: “No Sympathy For The Devil” - Ash León Contact: Your Host: Ash León Editing: Jay Smith Show Notes: Ash León Guests: Kamali Derek Senior, Maven, Seneca “Rosie Rocket”