Big Deal You're Seasoned, Time to Learn How to Be a Mom Again


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Joy in Chaos Podcast

Kids & Family

"Say What? Time to learn how to be a mom again? What are you talking about? I've been a mom for 15 years." Yes, but you are about to start again from scratch and you don't remember all the minute details. That's okay, you are allowed to forget some of the little stuff for the benefit of the bigger picture. Experienced moms can sometimes struggle with memory loss of what's exactly involved in raising babies and toddlers. That's okay. Just because you're the seasoned mom in the group doesn't mean you have to be the guide all the time.  Here are the truths about starting over as the experienced mom whose forgotten many of the finer details of raising a child.  It's good to ask for help.  Check out for the complete blog post.  Welcome to our community at and join us on facebook to contribute to the conversation. We want to hear from you.  Thanks for being here and be sure to subscribe to the Joy in Chaos Podcast!  Until next time, Chandra of Laboy Joy