Biz Mindset | 5 tips for overcoming self-doubt to launch a podcast or a digital product


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Socialette: Bite-Sized Online Marketing Podcast


Know that we all struggle with it - even nearly 3 years into podcasting, I still often question myself “Who am I to be doing this?” One of my Launch Magic students told us she has a PhD and still questions whether she knows enough at times.  Remember - it’s not about you, it’s about the people you’re helping. It’s about the value you’re providing. You’re doing your audience a disservice by not sharing it.  The more you know, the more you realise how much you don’t know. If you’re questioning whether you know enough - the Dunning Kruger effect: The people who think they know enough are the ones who don’t know anything. Start a “happy feedback” folder in your inbox or on your phone. Remind yourself of the impact you can make when you put yourself out there. Lean on others for support - join a mastermind group, find biz friends you can bounce off, ask a trusted mentor or friend. Wanna create your first digital product without the guesswork? Unlock the Digital Product Creator’s Vault at Are we Instagram friends yet? Connect with me over at