Black Issues Forum 2005 -2006 | Gang Control


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Black Issues Forum 2005 -2006 | UNC-TV

News & Politics

According to a report by the Governor's Commission on Crime, the number of gangs in 1999 survey was listed as 332 with over five thousand identified gang members. In a 2004 survey, there were 387 gangs and more than eight thousand, five hundred gang members. Do these numbers reflect a gang problem in North Carolina? If so, what can be done about it? A detective with the Durham County Sheriff's office--which has a unit dedicated to monitoring and controlling gangs in Durham--has published a book for parents, teachers, and others to help educate them on how to recognize gang symbols and protect their children and themselves. Find out what he and others say you need to know about gangs in your community, no matter where you live. Natalie Bullock Brown moderates.