Bobbie Oliver


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YTunes Shuffle


Bobbie Oliver is a Georgia native comedian who has learned the comedy ropes through touring and just aiming to make the experience better for everyone. You have seen her on TNN and The Style Network and runs a comedy club called Tao Comedy Studio in Los Angeles which is a female and LGBT friendly space where classes, mics, shows AND a yearly festival takes place. Through her music, we learn all about growing up in a trailer in the heart of Georgia with three MUCH older brothers, how she figured out she was funny in high school, when she realized you COULD be a comedian and how she started a comedy group in college because the first open mic she went to told her she was too young. From there we learn about her life on the road as a comic, how the man she'd end up marrying first depsized her and the music he introduced her to wound up becoming the inspiration for her yearly comedy festival. If you enjoyed the songs, learn more about the artists in our blog! Then, we wrap up the episode with the First and Last Concert experience. Keep up to date with Bobbie Oliver, her Greatest Hits album due out soon, and everything Tao Comedy Studio. And you are always welcome to reach out to the show. We are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @YTunesShuffle.