Bond Worries & Gold


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Turning Hard Times into Good Times


Guests include Alasdair Macleod, Michael Oliver, Dr. Quinton Hennigh and Hamish Greig. Treasury bond yields may continue to rise, exposing the debt trap the US government finds itself in. Market participants don’t realize it yet, but the global monetary system is spinning out of control. This will become obvious as the crisis stage of the credit cycle, now upon us, becomes evident. Alasdair believes the outlook for monetary inflation is dire. Indeed it was recently reported that 90% all new US Treasury borrowings since September had to be funded by the Fed in order to avoid crash-inducing rising interest rates. It’s hard to think of a more worrisome but bullish picture for gold as measured in US dollars. Alasdair will explain the dynamics. Michael will comment on his prescient call for a declining dollar and rising commodities and how that may impact stocks and bonds and Quinton and Hamish will discuss an exceptionally exciting Lion One high-grade gold discovery in Fiji.