Bonus Track - 3 Part Harmony example (full song from Episode 9)


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Stress, Pubs and Rock n Roll


In Episode 9 of our Stress, Pubs and Rock n Roll episode we took a look at the role of harmonies and discussed how to make and insert them into songs to add dynamics. Episode 9 featured a clip of a three part harmony example on one of Simon's tracks "Wish you the best" featuring harmonies from the very excellent "Alex Beaumont" who was our podcast guest on Episode 7 and the equally amazing Sabrina Findlay. Although not perfect, its a good example of what you can get done in a short space of time with some focus and trial and error, due to the length of the podcast episode already we decided not to feature the full track on the episode but the those of you that fancy a listen, here it is,  3 of us not mic'ed up, just crowding around a digi recorder with an acoustic.  It was fun! If you've been inspired by our harmonies episode and want to experiment with your own track then we would LOVE to hear from you and have a listen.  Get in touch via our facebook page and send us a message and a link! you never know we might even feature it in a future episode, who knows!