BTM195: Marketing For Leads That Create 1,000 Deals with Danny Johnson


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Before the Millions


Danny Johnson, today's guest, has been doing wholesales and fix n flips since 2003. What started out as 6-10 deals per year quickly ramped up once Danny figured out a better way to market. Rather than market to properties on the MLS, Danny shares how is started marketing directly to sellers then watched his business explode practically overnight. Key Points From This Episode: How relevant is Driving for Dollars in 2021 and beyond Why investors should stay away from the MLS The mindset of a seller that goes through your marketing How to remain relevant in a hot market Why so many investors throw away most of their good leads Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: (Danny’s Website) Recommended Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (Listen to this book for free!) Lifestyle Design App: (