Building A Business As A Teenager, Firing Your Customers, And Becoming An Author, With Jason Andrew, Co-Founder of SBO Financial


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Be The Push


Today's guest is Jason Andrew,  Co-Founder of SBO Financial, Author of Stark Naked Numbers, and a Director of the Arbor Group. Like many others, Jason's success hasn’t come easy and we explore his development all the way from starting a lawn mowing business when he was young, through to who he is today.In this episode we cover:- Building a business when he was young- His passion for business financial literacy and why it is so important- How he sacrificed 3 years of his life when he was younger to further his career- His journey of self-discovery through travel including a trip to North Korea. - What it is like to be unhappy for periods of time while building your own business. - What it is like to fire customers. - Why he wrote his book 'Stark Naked Numbers' and what impact that has had on his business and life.- And Much More.Jason was a fantastic guest, was very transparent about his story and views, and was very generous with his expertise.A great episode with a great guest.