Building Relationships with Persuadable Voters with Philip Armstrong and Brandon Harris Votus


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Digital Politics with Karen Jagoda

News & Politics

Philip Armstrong is COO and Brandon Harris CEO and both are Co-Founders of Votus, part of the Higher Ground Labs cohort of 2021. Votus is a communications platform that helps campaigns and elected officials establish meaningful 1:1 relationships with voters and constituents. We talk about: The value of social listening and analytic reporting to identify influencers, hot topics, and location of those interested in a campaign or issue The untapped power of Nano-Influencers of all ages Opening up the dialogue to a diverse coalition to encourage more civic engagement Finding persuadable voters who align with the campaign's overall message and building a community around their interest in specific issues Value of 1:1 conversations for campaigns to directly target messages using the preferred channel for each voter Establishing an opportunity for ongoing communication includes the ability to respond rapidly to counteract fake news #Votus @HigherGroundLab #SocialListening #SocialAnalytics #CivicEngagement #VoterPersuasion #VoterEngagement