CCP19 Buying your first bit of crypto


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Crypto Confidence podcast


This episode includes an audio blog of the recent post “Help me buy some cryptocurrency!”, which was written *before* the crazy price action of May 2019... but stands by every word of warning about responsible investing, doing your own research, and not getting carried away. If you have either listened or read and you want to get started buying your first cryptocurrency, here's the link to Coinbase as discussed. This link helps support the show, and fund the creation of educational material like this. We also return to our much-missed Crypto Alphabet, and have a look at "network effects" - did you know that this is fundamental to the successful functioning of any means of exchange or communication, not just cryptocurrency? But it's something we take for granted, until we have to engineer it in the first place, or understand why it's so important. Learn more in today's episode. And if you like what you hear, we’ll be sharing new episodes every fortnight. So please subscribe via your podcast app of choice. Keep in touch with us on Facebook at Crypto Confidence, and the official BlockSparks page too. Tweet us with your questions, or email And now you can join our NEW community on Facebook! Be one of the founding members, and join in the conversation. We recommend Local Coin Swap, for your peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions, once you're ready to graduate from Coinbase. And remember: nothing in this podcast or our related social media, nor anything else published by BlockSparks OU at any location, is intended as financial, investment or trading advice. Everything we share represents our personal opinions, for your information, education, and entertainment only. You should not make any decisions based on anything we share with you, not without undertaking independent due diligence and consultation with appropriate professional advisors. CryptoConfidence is all about being smart and informed and making the right choices for YOU.