Chapter 1- I'm Sure it's Nothing Serious


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Why Not Me? A True Story About a Miracle in Miami. By Raymond Rodriguez-Torres

Religion & Spirituality

In 2007, Raymond's life changed forever when he received a phone call that his four-year-old daughter, Bella became paralyzed overnight. Bella was diagnosed with stage 4, cancer. Experts the world over believed that Bella would never walk again and had only a few months to live. By miracle, today Bella can walk, run, jump and is cancer free! “Why Not Me?” describes, in a very inspirational tone, how Raymond believes there is a divine purpose for everything. He describes how he learned that we can face any challenge, even the possible death of a child, with faith and courage and instead of asking, “Why Me?” saying, “Why NOT Me?”, and walk in VICTORY! Bella’s story illustrates the power of prayer and that God does exist and is alive in our world. This book, which describes the officially investigated miracle “story behind the story”, is sure to inspire you!