Clang: Defending C++ from Murphy's Million Monkeys


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GoingNative 2012 Sessions (HD)


Were we to craft a Lenox Globe of programming languages, C++ might be followed by a famous cautionary phrase: Here Be Dragons. The language can be complex and daunting to programmers who are often shouldered with the task of writing large, complex programs. Those millions of code monkeys need help to resist Murphy's siren song and navigate C++'s treacherous waters of memory corruption and concurrency bugs. Clang is a C++ compiler platform that tries to address these challenges (among others) across the spectrum of development activities. It provides fantastic diagnostics, static and dynamic program analysis, advanced rewriting and refactoring functionality, and language extensibility. Together with improvements to the language in C++11 these help programmers cope with today's code and write better code tomorrow. Clang also makes it easier than ever before to evolve and evaluate new language features and extensions to make C++ itself better. Through this talk I'll give some background on the Clang compiler, what it does today to make writing C++ better, and how we're using it to help shape the C++ language going forward.